A New Approach to Collision Prevention and Popular Science Magazine's "Collision at Sea"

1947. United States Naval Institute's "Proceedings"

January 1947 
Volume 73, No. 527

Starting at page 55, the work that put Capt. and Cmdr. Lott on the staff of Admiral Nimitz was published. 

The other 3 pages of tables of angles are omitted.

Here are those pages and following this is the article about Collision Prevention published in Popular Science Monthly magazine 

January 1946 

Page 126-

Capt. Lott had trimmed his advance copy of the monthly pretty lightly, remove both month-year and page numbers. I could be wrong but I believe this was some of his first paid writing.

Sorry, folks, these last two pages are out of order. If reading, go to the last one then the one below this line.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I learn more & more about my father everyday. I wish he would have shared all his navy accomplishments with me when he was alive.


if you are trying to contact Robert Nielsen or other sailors from the Clamour, please email me, emarkpreston-at-yahoo-dot-com