CLAMOUR'S Decklog 14-March-1944 to 31-March-1944

The Decklogs are a daily (and sometimes hour-by-hour) record of events aboard the Clamour. While mostly mundane, they are included here for completeness and posterity.

Currently the National Archives wants about 25¢ a page. There are approximate 800 pages and some of those pages, each representing one day of time are mostly blank. The approximate cost for the entire group of records is over $300 and that's lots of money. If you care to help, the dates you are willing to pay for, and a check can go to the National Archives. Leave a comment for details. Thanks.

Here below starts the Decklog:

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if you are trying to contact Robert Nielsen or other sailors from the Clamour, please email me, emarkpreston-at-yahoo-dot-com